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Kevin Sinclair

Learning to play the guitar is a challenge for mature age students. It can be difficult to find the time to practice - let alone to be able to practice enough to achieve the level of skill that may be the goal. In my experience, the focus should be on enjoying the experience and to savor the time that is available for playing and practice. The skill will develop in due course as long as you can be comfortable and enjoy playing within your limitations.

Ricky Sharples

"It can be difficult to find the time to practice - let alone to be able to practice enough to achieve the level of skill that may be the goal."
Mature age students often realize that there's plenty of time to enjoy learning the basic techniques.


It has taken me years and I still feel like I'm a world away from mastering the guitar...any classes/tutorials, send my way! :-) I did come across this video series, which was informative. It's pretty basic, but the dude clearly knows what he's talking about:

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